Thursday, October 4, 2007

Final 7 Sentence Story

1. Character opens up refrigerator as his morning habit.
2. He sits down in his entertainment dome after making a snack.
3. Once he begins to watch TV he hears a loud banging on the door.
4. He becomes very nervous and attempts to drown out the sound by turning his music up
5. The neighbor refuses to go away, brining out paranoia in the character. He again turns up the volume.
6. The house begins to shake at its foundation and before the character can react his house crumbles around him.
7. He is forced to be outside for the first time in years and realizes that he was missing so much in his life by being consumed by television.

Group and Self Premises

Group B: Man whose job is boring until an interesting package arrives.

1. A janitor is cleaning a company employees desk off late at night.
2. He notices a package on the side of the desk, it is rather large.
3. The janitor, being curious, opens the package.
4. He discovers inside the package a series of photos of one in particular person.
5. He searches further and discovers that person is the same person in all the pictures on the employees desk.
6. He discovers a huge amount of money in the bottom of the package and realizes this is a murder for hire package.
7. He quickly alerts the authorities and they reward him with enough money that he can quit his job and move somewhere nice.

My Own Premise : A man is told about a book with secrets that, if discovered will make
him famous.

1. A man is chatting with an old friend he hasn’t seen in awhile.
2. The friend is discussing a book that he has heard about, secrets in it so large that if proven will make him rich and famous.
3. The main character is intrigued and soon convinces himself that he will find this become and make his wildest dreams come true.
4. The man searches everywhere, going to obscure, rare print bookstores, searching the internet endlessly, and going to libraries around the county.
5. The man soon realizes that the book may not exist at all and he has wasted years of his life searching for it, losing his job along the way.
6. The character is chatting with a bunch of old friends, discussing the man that told the main character about the secret book.
7. They start laughing hysterically when the main character tell them about the story he was told, saying to him that is a practical joke he has told for ages.
